July 5, 2011

Rainbow - Sweet Dream [MV]

This video was released a couple weeks ago but only got on my radar recently, but here is Rainbow's MV for Sweet Dreams. It's a fine song and it's one I definitely one I would listen to multiple times. It isn't as upbeat as their song "To Me" was but I like this song due it's vocal melody and techno like instrumentals. That said, "To Me" is a bit of a stronger song to me.

As for the video itself, I have no clue whatsoever on what is going on in this video. Are they ghosts? Are They hallucinations? Are they someone's "sweet dream"? See what I did there? But yeah, I honestly can't tell. I just know there is a lot of flashing, things fading in and out, and multiples of the girls coming in and out. I really am not sure what the deal is other than the setting seems to be night club that may or may not be empty. Why are there multiple copies of the girls and why are things fading in and out? Beats the hell out of me. All I know is if this nightclub is haunted, I am never going to it.

There isn't really much else to point out in the video, except for a few minor things. Like I know it's their video and such, but would their posters really be that all over the place in a nightclub? I myself don't go clubbing so I wouldn't know if this is something that would be actually done or not. Also why does the girl in the beginning have a mask? She's going to a nightclub, not a masquerade. The mask seems totally unnecessary. I mean no one else has a mask on at that club. Also, is it just me or does the bartender girl look like a blonde Taeyeon?

But yeah, it's a decent song to listen to, but the video is kind of weird. Check it out for yourself by watching the video below.

1 comment:

  1. I loved the Music video, though I would've preferred a dance version of it, as it's so goood! :D
    PS. You picked the perfect screenshot of the MV up above, TWO JiSooks ! ◠‿◠♥
