September 27, 2010

BK Ultimate Breakfast Platter

So after not eating breakfast in months, I decided to swing by a Burger King to grab something to eat. Instead of my usual BK Breakfast Muffin and hash browns, I decided to try out the new BK Platter. For $4.29 plus tax you get 3 pancakes, eggs, sausage, a biscuit, and a small order of hash browns. Visually it looks a good amount of food for the price, which is also probably very unhealthy to have eaten in its entirety. Though, I don't think a lot of breakfast platters like a Denny's Grand Slam is that much healthier, but I digress.

So what are opinions of this platter? I felt the pancakes were decent, but there's nothing wow about them. I mean if I wanted some good pancakes I'd probably just go to IHOPs or Dennys. The pancakes just didn't have much of a taste to stand on their own and the butter didn't add much either. Though, the syrup did help a lot. But as a man who loves his pancakes, this part of the meal was pretty forgettable. As for the eggs, sausage, and biscuit, I took all that and made it into a sandwich and ate it with the hash browns, Granted there was too much egg to fit into the sandwich considering how it was in many pieces. This part of the meal was pretty good, but I already knew a breakfast sandwich at BK was pretty good. So this is nothing new to me. Although, the biscuit could have been better. The sausage was pretty flavorful to me and the eggs were pretty standard in taste. The hash browns were delightful though, but the fact that those were best things on the platter doesn't speak well on other items. Personally I think I'll just stick to the BK Breakfast Muffin and hash browns if I ever go to BK for breakfast. It's quite a deal at only $2 for the sandwich and hash browns.


1 comment:

  1. Wow, really? You actually discussed the contents of this meal as if it was some substantial viable source of food? its garbage like this that is causing our national health to plummet. What's even funnier is that you compare a "good" food source to I-Hop or Denny's. I saw a commercial and thought it was disgusting that people would eat this much crap. I then decided to look up a picture because the real food you get from fast food/large corporate places always looks so unappetizing. I merely looked it up and then I saw that someone actually wrote about it. I read it with my wife out of dire humor. FAIL
