June 1, 2010

Memorial Day 2010 Recap

Yesterday, James, Andrew, Kevin and I went to Jack London Square in Oakland. We walked around looking for a place to have lunch and settled on a place called Bocanova. This place was a bit pricier than places I would eat at, but for the situation I thought the food I ordered was decent. Also this is the first time I had a soda made from cane sugar. After lunch, we headed off to Alameda to get some Loard's ice cream. Then we went back to Union City and spent the rest of the time playing pool in Jame's garage.

Jack London Square

Jack London Square

Jack London Square

As for today, I ran some errands in the afternoon. Then I went pick up my mom who returned home from her trip to Vegas and had dinner with her friends. We went to Hong Kong restaurant. Overall I thought the food was alright, nothing amazing but was decent enough to eat. So at this dinner was my mom's friend, her two nieces, and one of the nieces Canadian boyfriend. Who from how it was described to me was a guy she met off Skype. So we had dinner and then called it a night. That's pretty much it.

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