August 1, 2009

Scooby Doo The Mystery Begins: Asian Velma?

Scooby Doo

So today I was watching the Cartoon Network and saw they were running a Scooby Doo marathon. During the marathon they ran these behind the scenes segments for this new Scooby Doo live action movie called Scooby Doo The Mystery Begins.

So I'm watching these behind the scenes segments and then see one on Velma. Right away they said "Hayley Kiyoko as Velma". Upon hearing that, I just sat there and thought "Velma is Asian?" So I hit up the interweb and did a search on this and found these . . .

Here is a cover of the DVD:
Scooby Doo The Mystery Begins

Upon zoom in, you can see that Velma is clearly Asian. I mean sure Fred doesn't have blond hair and Daphne looks 30 but still . . .

Scooby Doo The Mystery Begins

Here are more photos that help illustrate my previous comments on the cast.

Scooby Doo The Mystery Begins

Scooby Doo The Mystery Begins

Scooby Doo The Mystery Begins

Also oddly enough I found this video on youtube . . .

In all fairness, maybe this explains why Velma could read Chinese or Japanese. Also, maybe since Velma was pretty much a nerd and the smartest in the group they figured she would make sense as a horrible Asian stereotype. Other than that . . . wtf O_o?