July 11, 2010

Soompi Summer Memories Meet 7/10/2010

Yesterday, I met up with the Norcal Soompi guys and girls for another fun Soompi meet. The first part of the meet took place at John D. Morgan Park in Campbell and ended at the same house as last time. Considering I don't feel like making thumbnails for the pics I took, I'm just going to post all 20 straight and do running commentary for the photos(if needed).

Note: Camera was in malfunction mode again while I was at the park.

Soompi Summer Memories Meet 7/10/2010

Caroline brought donut holes. Which ended up being the first thing most of us ate there. We did this because we were still waiting for Yuna, Gabe, and Sayoko to get there.

Soompi Summer Memories Meet 7/10/2010

I took this pic so quickly that I didn't notice that that backpack ended up being so prominent in the photo. But yeah, we're all still waiting for everyone to get there.

Eventually all the people were were specifically waiting for showed up, so that's when I started focusing on taking pics of the food.

Soompi Summer Memories Meet 7/10/2010

Soompi Summer Memories Meet 7/10/2010

Soompi Summer Memories Meet 7/10/2010

Soompi Summer Memories Meet 7/10/2010

So Gabe says the trio of him, Yuna, and Sayoko slaved over the creation of these cupcakes. Also he "allegedly" stated the cupcake icing is essentially pure sugar O_o.

Soompi Summer Memories Meet 7/10/2010

This specially cupcake actually had one of the Soompi "mascots" on it. Although, a couple people joked that she kind of looked like a pirate because her eye looked like an eye patch. I don't know.

Soompi Summer Memories Meet 7/10/2010

For the record, they were both posing for a shot for Taylor. Due to difference in time between me pressing shoot and the camera actually going off, it got them when they thought they were done posing.

Soompi Summer Memories Meet 7/10/2010

This one of the few shots of the whole group I was able to get and probably the only decent one.

So at the park, we introduced ourselves to the group in a circle. Then we played games like not looking at each other, getting untangled, and figuring who the leader was. I lost the last one and ended up doing a bad interpretation of "the robot". So after the park, we all headed off to Calvin's house. There one of the first games we played was Taboo. Which didn't really pan out for the guys team -___-".

Soompi Summer Memories Meet 7/10/2010

Soompi Summer Memories Meet 7/10/2010

Soompi Summer Memories Meet 7/10/2010

Soompi Summer Memories Meet 7/10/2010

For some reason, Ray was on the girl's team and Shirley was on the guy's team. I think it was mostly due to them being on the corresponding sides of the room at the time teams were made.

Soompi Summer Memories Meet 7/10/2010

So after Taboo, they were going to play Pictionary, but ended up playing cranium. Though at the same time, a portion of the group went to Tapioca to grab some drinks for those who wanted some. I was part of that group, but don't have photos to show that excursion. So after that we get back and I spend some time playing PS3 with a couple of the guys. Then we joined in when everyone to play the classic Soompi meet game, mafia.

Soompi Summer Memories Meet 7/10/2010

Mafia lasted several hours, it was intense, heated, humorous, although a bit drawn out due to the sheer number of participants. I want to know though, who killed me that one game? Was it Gabe or Karen O_O? Also at the end, the prostitute position was finally given an official role in the game. Thus another moment in Soompi history has been made. So at around 12:30ish most of us decided to call it day, but before that a group of us decided to hit up a Denny's for some food. Although, that was a bit delayed because a number of us decided to ogle
John's BMW M3.
Soompi Summer Memories Meet 7/10/2010

Soompi Summer Memories Meet 7/10/2010

Soompi Summer Memories Meet 7/10/2010

Soompi Summer Memories Meet 7/10/2010

I thought this was hilarious, but across the parking lot from Denny's was a kid's weight loss center. I mean of all places. So we got some food, talked, talked some more and then called it night. So that was it for another great Soompi meet. Saw some old faces, meet some new people. Can't wait for the next meet ^_^!


  1. DONT FORGET STEVEN LE! It's all his fault we were late! LOL jk. Just blame it on yuna.... and sayoko. :D

    Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd i killed you in mafia. :3 Karen killed the person next to me and i killed the person next to her.

  2. I knew it! I f***ing knew it. I was like, who there is going to go after someone obscure person like me so early on in the game. Man then I was right to be mad at the people who were thinking of nominating you but kept changing their minds. I mean they were so close, but so far away at the same time.

  3. XDDDD LOOOL that was a fun game. I will return as a killer someday... and i will succeed.
