October 7, 2009

Select Start Interview

Featured Band Select Start

Select Start rocks a blend of power pop that has been getting them recognition, not only throughout their home state of Florida, but also all across the world. Since 2006, these guys have completed over 10 US tours, and it looks like they will not be stopping any time soon. With their internet fan base growing at an impressive rate, it's easy to see why they've been included on countless playlists and have sold over 11,000 singles on iTunes, Rhapsody, and Napster.

Mike: How did Select Start start?

Adam: We started as a 3 piece pop punk band in 2003. It was me, Patrick and Joe and added Matt soon after. Just recently, Jason has come into the picture to help complete the sound of Select Start.

Mike: What's the origin of your band's name?

Adam: As kids we played Nintendo all the time. It just came naturally. We describe it to most people as the two middle buttons on a Nintendo controller but to someone who plays all the time, you can see that it's in the old Contra code, up up down down left right left right b a select start.

Mike: Ah, so you guys are gamers?

Adam: Yep. some of us more than others but we all play a lot.

Mike: So what are some games that you guys are currently into?

Adam: I personally love the old school stuff like Mario Kart 64 and Super Mario World, but Matt and Patrick love stuff like Halo.

Mike: So back to your music, who or what would you say are some of your influences?

Adam: We all have a mixture of different influences . . . Green Day, Weezer, Ozma, Starting Line, Motion City Soundtrack, etc.

Mike: Ah, cool that's a pretty good list. So with all the upcoming and established bands out there in today's music scene, what do you think makes your band stand out from them?

Adam: I think one of the things that sets us apart from other bands is that we do everything ourselves. We have come so far in the scene just doing things ourselves. We tend to keep it that way for a long time.

Mike: So I see you guys were a part of Warped Tour 09 down in Florida, what was that like?

Adam: It was an amazing experience. We got to see a lot of good friends and play with some amazing bands. Hopefully next year we will get the opportunity to do at least a week or two of it.

Mike: Are you on tour currently?

Adam: Yes. We just finished a tour with a band called The Anytime and are currently playing shows on our way back home.

Mike: Do you guys have any memorable, funny, or wild stories from being on tour or on the road?

Adam: There are literally too many to tell. Crazy stuff has happened in just about every city that we've been to. But we love meeting and talking to all the crazies out there in the world.

Mike: Do you at least have one that sticks out to you?

Adam: Well, we were in Venice Beach hangin out and eating with Thee Armada when a man skated up on his quads with a guitar in his hand and a turban on his head. He played some crazy music, had us all laughing at him and then switched it up leaving us all with jaws dropped. Right when we thought he was a crazy homeless man, he opened up his jacket to reveal CDs and shirts that we could buy off of him. Definitely had us going and even got Josh from Thee Armada to buy a CD from him.

Mike: Really? That's sounds pretty out there. So I see you guys are not signed. What's up with that?

Adam: We have been signed in the past, but currently we are looking for something that will best suit us. DIY is definitely the best way for us to go right now.

Mike: Ah, I see. I feel DIY is a great way to go if you can make it work for yourself. Crazy Go Lucky is pretty much DIY run, except for product and supply production. So I noticed that you guys are selling your latest single on iTunes. Do you guys prefer the digital downloads over hard copy format's like CD's? Or was this this decision done out of convenience?

Adam: Since She's Everything is just a single B-side done right after the <3, it was definitely the best option for us to put it up as an added bonus in iTunes. We are currently working on new songs right now but there is no telling how long it will be before they are released.

Mike: I see you've also recently released a music video for "Kiss Your Genre Goodbye". How did the concept for the video come about? How was it filming it?

Adam: We were all brainstorming one day and Joe threw out that idea and we just kinda ran with it. Filming it was amazing. It took a whole week of shooting every day and was a little stressful at times but it came together pretty nicely. Hopefully we'll have the chance to film another video very soon.

Mike: Ah, I see. So here are a few questions I have after watching the video. Does the number on your shirt actually dial out to a real number? Is that girl during the Infidelity segment Asian? If it's not asking too much, who is she? I ask that because she just looks oddly familiar to me. Also, who was the lucky one out of you guys to get made up into a zombie?

Adam: The number actually goes to a clothing company that we love, Hooligun Clothing. The girl in the scene IS, in fact, asian but im not even sure of her name. She is a friend of the guy in the scene with her. As for the zombie, thats lucky number Patrick. He's the only one in the band who has ever put in contacts so he kinda got chosen for that one. If you look closely, you can see his eyes definitely aren't normal.

Mike: So are there any future or upcoming plans you would like to share?

Adam: Well, we are currently in the studio writing new music. There isn't much that I can talk about right now but we definitely have a lot of good news coming soon. Just keep a lookout on myspace.com/selectstart or facebook.com/selectstart for all the news. Also, come hang with us at shows if it's nearby.

Mike: In an all out battle to the death, who would win? Jason Statham or a grizzly bear with a chainsaw?

Adam: Haha probably the grizzly.

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